CrossFit classes to get you motivated!

New Group CrossFit Classes near Square One Mississauga!

CrossFit classes that meet your training and lifestyle goals, with the added convenience of being close to school. At PSB fitness, we work hard with you to make sure you get to where you want to be. Whether it’s to get in shape, stay in shape, or to just have a great time – nothing hits better than out fitness classes and unique atmosphere

PSB fitness is located on campus, giving you the close-ness you need to be able to make class, meet up with team members, stick around for study sessions, or just do some studying by yourself so you aren’t wasting time driving back and forth.

We are offering a one-week free trial! This gives new members the opportunity to test out some classes, see the gym and make new connections to see if this is a lifestyle they can adapt too.

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What is CrossFit?

High-intensity interval training, designed to develop high levels of power by putting together variations of strength and conditioning workouts. These workouts will include exercises such as squats, push-ups, and weightlifting.

CrossFit can provide many benefits to individuals, like improved physical strength, agility, balance, and flexibility, and burns calories/manage weight.

The high-intensity movements can help gain both muscle and stamina. This can be done with just bodyweight exercises as well as adding weights to each exercise.

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CrossFit can help you burn more calories than other workouts, a 195-pound male or 165-pound female will burn 15-18 calories per minute and 13-15 calories per minute, respectively during a CrossFit circuit. (Chertoff, 2019).  Join us for Group CrossFit Classes near Square One Mississauga

For anyone with weight loss goals, this training in conjunction with a healthy diet should be your go-to. To learn more about the added benefits of Cross-Fit and why this training is something you should be part of. Read this article on the health fitness benefits.

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