Best Educational Tablet for Kids in Mississauga

By Vaidehi Salunke

Educational Tablets for kids

You came here looking for the best educational tablet for kids in Mississauga, right? But first, let's take a step back and understand why there is a need for such a device in the first place.

Today's world is fast-paced and ever-evolving. And the pandemic that was set upon us in 2020 has only added to the pace at which we were all required to change and adapt. The education industry was no exception to that and had to undergo revolutionary changes. In dual-income households where both parents maintain full-time jobs while raising their kids, parents were already struggling to spend enough time with their kids. The lockdown made it even more difficult to do that as many students were subjected to their homes instead of their classrooms. And that essentially meant the parents had to play the role of their teachers more often than not.

Even though tablets had been around for a long time, the lockdown really put them at the forefront of all parental needs. Educational tablets provided a way for students to do their work at home. And also continue learning at school without hindrances to their academic progress. Most of us are not living in lockdown anymore but its is certain that these tablets are here to stay! 

Benefits of an educational tablet for your kids

Kids enjoying fun content on a tablet

So what makes these electronic booklets life-changing for so many parents? Let's see:

  • Educational tablets give students the freedom to move around. They don't restrict them to the desktop table and chair. Got a beanbag at home? Study there comfortably!
  • Educational tablets give your kids the ability to access online material from wherever they are. Students can even complete homework or even read books online
  • Tablets integrate learning with IT trends and prepare your kids for the future that is digital.
  • Educational tablets are lightweight and have a longer battery life making them extremely user-friendly even for kids.
  • Educational tablets can truly help us go paperless and make an environment-conscious choice while still accessing all the benefits of a traditional textbook.

Choosing the best educational tablet

Different types/variants of tablet devices

There are scores of options available in the Canadian market today, especially in the fast-growing city of Mississauga when it comes to choosing the right educational tablet for your kids but one that has really caught my attention recently is PSB Toys' new and affordable tablet: Tabucation.

  • Education through games: access the best educational content in the form of fun-filled games. 
  • Pricing: It is super affordable in comparison to other products in its category and this makes it accessible to a large portion of its target audience.
  • Controlled screen time: The device comes with a built-in digital wellbeing feature. This regulates the screentime, adjusts vision comfort with reduced blue-light exposure. And even has reminders for the usage of the device
  • No social media exposure: This tablet gives your child all the goodness of an educational device without the stuff that parents dread the most: access and exposure to questionable content on social media.
  • Language learning: one of the differentiating features of this tablet is the fact that it can also be used as a easy-to-use language-learning tool. The metropolitan city of Mississauga that has a large immigrant population speaking different languages. Hence, it becomes all the more important to be able to communicate with everyone. In addition to English, your child can also try to learn French, Mandarin, or Punjabi - some of the most commonly spoken languages in Canada - from a very young age.

Additional benefits:

  • In-built playstore: The tablet comes with an inbuilt playstore that hosts a wide array of games. Your kids can access these without having to watch ads or being restricted to non-premium content.
  • Safe for children: It has UL-approved materials used in the packaging and curved edges making it a child-proofed device.
  • Magic Slate: This tablet has a bonus feature called the 'Magic Slate' at the back. Kids can use it for this improving their handwriting. This comes with a stylus for drawing that will truly allow your child to get creative! 

Benefits to parents:

A mother helping her child with studies on an educational tablet

This educational tablet can be a life-saviour for new parents with young kids and a busy lifestyle. The device requires no parental controls as there is practically no exposure to social media. It doesn't burn a hole in their pockets with its affordable pricing. And compensates for the lack of time the parents are able to give their kids on account of the busy lifestyle they lead. With this device on hand, they can maintain their professional lives without hampering the child's academic growth.

Final thoughts?

I think this is the most affordable and best educational tablet for kids in Mississauga and definitely worth a try....

So what are you waiting for? Go order your Tabucation today!

You can either place an order online


Visit the PSB Toys store in Mississauga for a demonstration at the below address:




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